from Kate
I love reading things that "remind" me of the universal laws.
Every time this happens I'm shown clearly how I can live my life in
better harmony with the laws and open the way to receive my highest
Several years ago I purchased The Seven
Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. Recently Freddy
was reading it, but he laid it down. I picked it up and have been
taking a refresher course on the laws. What is truly wonderful is
that reading Deepak's words initiates an excitement within of the
infinite possibilities of me and my life!
The second chapter is about The Law of Giving.
"Like a river, money must keep flowing, otherwise it begins to
stagnate, to clog, to suffocate and strangle its very own life force.
Circulation keeps it alive and vital."
I took this a step farther to all material
possessions and clutter. I looked around my house and identified a
source of clutter. The basement. Jesse helped me put away
the Christmas decorations that were in the bedroom down there (I know
it's August... what can I say?). Then she tidied up the
office/storage room so she can use it as an office herself (ulterior
Then... we stood in the doorway of Fred's
office. This was frightening. Fred is a drywall contractor.
If one imagines a construction site, it is often rather cluttered and
messy, therefore working in clutter becomes a normal thing. Need I
say more?
Jess and I walked away.
I pulled out the book
Shui for Home and Garden by Kathleen Quinn and read a few pages.
Then I opened a box of Feng Shui cards by Terah Kathryn Collins.
The first card I looked at was Getting Organized. It had "Clear
the Way" questions:
1. Do I love it?
2. Do I need it?
3. Does it support who I am and act as an affirmational belonging
in my life?
I didn't have to go any further. Jess and I
went back to Fred's office. The furniture placement of the room
has always been a chi blocker so the first thing we did was make a scale
drawing of the room and move the furniture. Several hours later
his office is magnificent! The flow of energy is amazing and even
welcoming! I actually want to enter the room and sit down where
before I would just stand in the doorway to talk with Fred.
This morning we stirred up the energy in the
family room by vacuuming and moving all the furniture around.
Jesse wanted to tackle the kitchen, but she thinks the sink should be
moved - quite the comedian that girl! My own office is next!
As the energies fluctuate on Mother Earth we are
all changing - daily. The spaces in which we live and work become
stagnant with not only clutter, but old energy. I highly recommend
clearing away old clutter and cleansing away stagnant energy to usher in
the new, exciting energies that are around us!
Moving furniture is great, but if you are unable
to move furniture, simply clean and ask yourself the "Clear the Way"
questions as you replace items you've dusted. Perhaps you no
longer need them.
Use a Bagua Map to help you incorporate Feng Shui
into your home or office. You may get a copy of Kathy's Feng Shui
for Home and Garden as a downloadable PDF file
I use the Clear Stagnant Energy from Your Home
exercise in the column to the right using a white candle instead of a
smudge stick after I've cleaned.
May the angels help you clear away stagnant energy
in your home, office and life!
in love and light,
from Big Jim
Having the "eyes to see," "ears to hear" and
"knowing within" that our loved ones are still with us and actively
participating in our lives is a wonderful thing. Acknowledging
that they are with us and truly knowing within that they are is a
blessed gift that brings great joy along with the love.
My daughter, Jesse, has been working on building a
mobile photography business. She travels to apartment complexes,
etc and provides professional portraits to the residents at an
affordable rate.
As with any new business she has experienced ups
and downs. On Friday, August 14, Jesse learned she had ten
appointments scheduled at her photo shoot the next day at an apartment
complex. She and I were sitting at the kitchen counter discussing my
helping her when we had a visitor.
The countertop is a speckled dark brown.
Next thing I know, Jesse is playing with this:

Yes, this is a spider. But this spider is
really small... Tiny actually... We had to put it on a
piece of paper and put a dime beside it to really get the full picture
of how small it is:

I could hear Daddy laughing...
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy....
Laughing...You know I'm never far away and it
was cause for celebration!
When I lived there on earth I never gave it a
thought as to how powerful our thoughts are. The impact of fear
based feelings is absolutely amazing. You helped Jesse to scratch
the surface of the fear that she's been dealing with and dissipate it -
the energy shifted.
Just like the rest of you, she still has fear
to let go of. I've said this before and I'll say it again - you
have so much potential - so much power and you're just clueless.
I all but dropped Deepak's book on your head to
get you to pick it up! Laughing... Seems you girls "see" the
A message to all of you reading this...
If you are drawn to read something, read it. Listen to your
intuition - your gut, if you will, and learn to trust it. It isn't
easy for us to watch you as you struggle at times in your lives.
Know there is no need to struggle.
If you're feeling stuck, de-clutter your space!
Shake up the energy! I thought I liked clutter when I lived there,
now I can see how it held me back as sure as if I were bound to it with
duct tape. Clear away the old energies and make room for the new!
This is an exciting time, embrace it and your
~Big Jim
As humans we can take something easy and make it
extremely difficult. At times Fred and my communication gets so
garbled that you would think we speak two different languages.
Jesse and I have been working together for the past few weeks and have
begun to complete each other's sentences (a little scary). We
weren't in Fred's cluttered office ten minutes before we couldn't
understand each other - like speaking two different languages.
Clutter holds stagnant energy and confusion - get rid of it!
Kate & Big Jim
Learn more about what Big Jim has been up to since
his transition October 31, 2005 in his and Kate's book
Waiting in the Other Room...
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