Claim Your Power - Create the Life
of Your Dreams!
Guided Meditation MP3 Download
incarnate to Mother Earth to experience many things, to learn, to grow,
to trust and to love. The physical world teaches us we are limited
The reality is we are limitless spiritual beings experiencing a human
* Do you feel limitless?
* Do you feel empowered?
* Have you seen your Field of Potentiality?
* Do you know that your dreams really can be your reality?
Depending on what moment it was, my answer to these questions was "NO."
Then one morning when I woke, my consciousness was bombarded by life
situations that challenged my inner wisdom of being a limitless
spiritual being and I asked the angels to help me. They graciously
came in and led me through a process to see my Field of
Potentiality and to claim my personal power.
I was amazed at how easy it was to shift from a source of fear to that
of love and to become empowered by claiming my power!
The Claim Your Power guided meditation CD shares with you
this miraculous tool given to me by the angels along with The
Power of Gratitude.
One: Claim Your Power guides you to experience all
that is yours in your personal, private Field of Potentiality!
After exploring all that is yours, you will be guided to step into your
personal power. You will claim your power and shift fully into a source
of love and possibility, thereby opening the way to receive all that is
yours by divine right, under grace in miraculous ways...
Track Two: The Power of Gratitude guides you to the
reality of the power of gratitude. You will embrace that which you are
grateful and shift to a state of bliss and love. You will elevate your
vibration to that of your Field of Potentiality becoming a magnet for
all that is yours by divine right.
Need a CD? Contact Kate!

MP3 Download $11.11
Claim Your Power