Message from Big Jim
Sponsor Bonus Gifts
What Others are Saying...
Journal & CDs
We've teamed
up with the
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Four
States in Joplin, MO! |
Thank you for clicking in to learn more about Waiting in the
Other Room.
Are you grieving the physical loss of a
loved one, but your heart tells you they are still with you? Do you
fear death?
Death of someone we love is an experience each one of us will face
in our lifetime. The pain of the raw emotions of grief resulting
from the physical body of a loved one dying is excruciating. Our
lives are changed forever and our grief process is our own - as
individual as we are.
As a child growing up Southern Baptist I was scared silly of dying.
Through my spiritual work of the past thirty years I've connected
with my angelic entourage and learned that there is nothing to fear
in dying for myself or those that I love.
On October 31, 2005 my dad, Big Jim, died during open heart surgery.
Before he went into the light, he and I received a miraculous gift
of connection. We visited about his decision for his spirit to
leave his physical body through death. After fully
transitioning into the light he has come back to help me with my
work and to continue being my dad with fatherly advice when asked
(and even when he isn't asked... J).
Waiting in the Other Room includes:

Read an Excerpt here.
Listen to
an interview with Carole Matthews here. |
When those we love succumb to
Dementia or Alzheimer's we feel as
trapped and helpless as they do in the
inability to communicate. My
grandfather experienced Dementia before
he died in 2007. I've included in
the book the method I used to
communicate with his higher self as well
as examples of our experiences to help
others know even though verbal
communication may not be possible,
communication is possible in another
form. The physical world teaches us that everything has a beginning and
everything has an end. Death of the physical body is not the
end. It is a continuation of life in spirit form. A
return to the spirit realm from whence we came. Waiting
in the Other Room shares all this and
more with humor and love.

Do you feel that your loved one who
has crossed over to the other side is
still with you, but you need validation?
Are you struggling and searching for a
sense of peace, serenity and comfort
where death of a loved one is concerned?
Are you afraid of death?
experiences with Big Jim in spirit form
have brought me, his daughter, and my
mom, a sense of peace, serenity, comfort
and validation from deep within that
physical world teachings simply could
Experience the Angel hug of love while
reading Waiting in the Other Room
and demystify your fears of the human spirit
leaving the physical body. You will
discover validation that our deceased loved ones
do, indeed, live on in spirit form and have the
ability to communicate with us.
Waiting in the Other Room
may be ordered
from Amazon through the link below.
After your purchase, return
to this page to register for the Prizes
and the Sponsor Bonus Gifts!!!! On the last day
of December (2009), January (2010), February
(2010) and March (2010) two people will be randomly chosen from
those who register to receive the following:
One Registrant will
receive Prize Package #1 and One
Registrant will receive Prize #2 (see
descriptions below).
As a special
gift to you, our sponsors are graciously
sharing a treasure trove of their work of enlightenment
through the Sponsor Bonus Gifts listed
below. After registering, you will
receive an email with a link to download their
gifts as well as be redirected to the download
page. Scroll down to discover the special
gifts we have for you!
In love and light,
Kathryn (Kate) Speakes-Large
here to read a
message from Big Jim...
Listen to an interview with
Kim Loftis of Empowerment Sanctuary:
(Two Parts)
Part One and
Part Two |

Safely Order
Waiting in the
Other Room

After Your Amazon Purchase
Register for Prizes &
Sponsor Bonus Gifts: |
enter your Amazon order
number or your PayPal
payment number if you
ordered directly from Kate in the Order Number
field to register for the
prizes offered
and to receive the
Bonus Gifts from our
sponsors! |

One winner
per month
will receive:
Speakes-Large developed the
Waiting in the Other Room
Journal to provide a place to
record your communications with your
deceased loved ones. Embedded in
the pages are guidance and support to aid
you in connecting with those of the angelic
Sacred Space ~ Build It and
They Will Come Kathryn
Speakes-Large created this guided
meditation CD as a pathway to
connecting with your angelic entourage of angels, guides, teachers,
archangels, your deceased loved ones and The Creator of All That Is.
Communicating through Dementia
Kathryn Speakes-Large created this
guided meditation CD to share the method
she used to communicate with her
grandfather when he had dementia.
She walks you
through the steps to elevate your
vibration to more closely match the
higher self of the loved one in order to
communicate with them.
NOTE: One winner
will be drawn to receive this prize on December
31, January 31, February 28, and March 31.
The winner will be notified by email and listed
here. Be sure to register!
Winners of
the November 22 drawing: |
Karen Praksti |
Barbara Stillwell |
Adam Hen |
Jane Hefferman |
One winner will be chosen on the
last day of
December, January, February and
March! |

One winner per month will
Healing Circle
of Love as given by Princess Diana and
Mother Teresa While in the
throes of "Mother Despair" Kathryn
Speakes-Large was given a remarkable
blessing of love from Princess Diana and
Mother Teresa. They came to her
and showed her how to transmute fear
(anger, frustration, pain, guilt, and
anxiety) for her daughter to love;
thereby, shifting from within to shift
the relationship. Kathryn shares
this beautiful gift from Princess Diana
and Mother Teresa with you with an
introduction of how the meditation came
to then with a guided meditation.
This powerful journey works for
relationships as well as life situations
- shift to love within and the outside
world shifts/changes to love as well...
NOTE: One winner
will be drawn to receive this prize on December
31, January 31, February 28, and March 31.
The winner will be notified by email and listed
here. Be sure to register!
Winners of
the November 22 drawing: |
Cheryl Martel |
Zar Holmez |
Angelika Andrew |
Ann Fitzpatrick |
Diana Howland |
Eileen Banks |
Beryl Fairley |
Maryann Fennelly |
We wish to thank
each of our sponsors for their
generosity in sharing their unique
talents, wisdom and insight.
Be sure to click into their websites to
learn more about them and how they may
benefit you as you experience your
spiritual journey!
Linsalata is an Internationally known
author of The Visionary Messenger and A
Guided Journal, along with her amazing
recorded guided meditation CDs,
Visionary Channel, Platform Medium,
Angelic Producer and Metaphysical
Visit Website
Meet Your Joy Guide
Guided Meditation - The Joy Guide
most often appears as a child, a small
fairy like child and/or young maidenly
adolescent. They can display behavior
that would be described as mischievous.
Your Joy Guide is the one who is
responsible for bringing out the lighter
side of our personalities. When things
become missing, your Joy Guide is there
to let you know to lighten it up. Even
though your Joy Guide appears to be
childish in many ways, be respectful to
them, for your Joy Guide is highly
intelligent in all ways as with all of
your guides. When mirth and merriment
manifest within a group of people
unexpectedly for no particular reason,
it is frequently the presence of
someone’s Joy Guide causing the
frivolity and trying to get your
attention. We could all certainly
benefit from less stress by viewing some
matters with a sense of humor. Call upon
your Joy Guide when your daily life
becomes overwhelming, and you need to
laugh out loud. Your Joy Guide will show
you the humor in the situation. |
Andy Feld ~
Wake Up Your Life is Calling!
{{Book Excerpt}} |
Feld began to question the meaning and
purpose of life in the 1980's. The more
questions he asked, the more the
teachers and answers arrived. He started
to file away his notes on life
experience and collected those notes for
twenty years. During this period he
concluded that being happy in the
present moment was life’s number one
priority and that this happiness was a
magnet to everything he desired. As a
result he wrote Wake up Your Life is
calling and Simple Happy. Andy is a
coach as well as an author and is
available for speaking engagements.
Visit Website
Chapters of Wake Up Your Life is Calling
- The
Planetary wake-up call has arrived. An
age of unprecedented materialism has
come abruptly to an end, and our
happiness, self-worth, and abundance
will no longer be dictated by the
purchase of new things. We now need to
reach inside ourselves to find the inner
peace, love, and joy which has lain
dormant there for years. WAKE-UP! YOUR
LIFE IS CALLING! is a book that both
challenges and teaches us about our
inner strength and knowledge, and our
power to create our lives exactly as we
desire. Happiness exercises, meditation,
balance, and intentional manipulation of
our thoughts, emotions, and words will
allow us to access Universal
Intelligence to manifest our lifelong
dreams. With love, free will, and
self-discipline, Andy guides us, step by
step, to our life's calling. Relax,
breathe, and smile; it's a new dawn for
us all. |
Dacey is an intuitive counselor and
expert in "Detoxing Your Thoughts to
Guarantee Happiness" using colour as a
tool for learning. Her mission is to
direct, guide and support you on your
journey for self discovery so that you
can feel health and abundance
physically, mentally, emotionally and
Visit Website
Angela Dacey, intuitive counsellor,
trainer & colour therapist will "Detox
Your Thoughts" with this FREE online
seminar featuring "The Healing Power of Colour". Understand the history of colour therapy. Experience how each
colour relates to our physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual wellness.
Explore ways to use colour to heal your
life. This knowledge of colour is going
to open up to you in a whole new light! |
Anisa Aven
~ Creative Manifesting
{{E-Book & Audio Program}} |
willingness to be authentic and
transparent as she shares her personal
journey and formula for success has
garnered legions of loyal fans.
Considered one of the world's top
manifestation mentors and a law of
attraction icon, Anisa makes complicated
Conscious Success principles accessible
and easy to use. From her corporate
position as CEO of a global, executive
coaching firm with coaches on every
continent, to her role as an author of
dozens of Intentional Success programs
to her cherished responsibility as wife
and mother, Anisa's passion shines
bright as she supports you in uniting
your life's passion with your work,
attracting your dreams and fulfilling
your purpose.
Elevation Formulas E-Book and Audio
Program - No matter how many
books you’ve read on personal growth;
No matter how many audios you’ve
listened to on achieving your dreams;
No matter how many courses,
teachers, coaches, gurus and psychics
you’ve paid to help you realize your
goals; If you aren’t using the Vibration
Elevation Formulas then you’re taking
the long road to personal and
professional fulfillment. Apply
this 6-minute formula to instantly shift
your level of consciousness, stop
self-sabotage and empower your magnetic
attraction… |
her Guardian Angel charmingly revealed
herself to Anita on her computer, Anita
discovered how real and loving the
Angels are. She receives messages from
the Angelic realm and works closely with
the delightful Fairies and elementals.
With compassion and humor, Anita will
share messages and healing especially
for you. The Divine realm often
communicates with Anita through her
dreams and she works with others to
discover the treasures of their dreams.
Anita is a professional intuitive
consultant, an ANGEL THERAPY
PRACTITIONERTM and Medium, certified by
Doreen Virtue, PhD and a spiritual
coach. She appears in Doreen Virtue's
DVD titled How to Give an Angel Card
Reading. A first-generation American of
East Indian descent, Anita is very
familiar with cultural conflicts and
healing family divisions. She also
specializes in career issues. Anita's
professional career provides her with
expertise in working with victims of
trauma, crime and terrorism. While
working with victims of the September
11th tragedy, she learned that Angelic
assistance and mediumship are very
powerful forms of healing for those in
Website |
Lovejoy, author of The One Command,
Educator in the field of human
consciousness, CEO Commanding Wealth®
Seminars, International Seminar
facilitator, coach and consultant, and
TV and radio personality is known as the
worlds #1 Problem Solver who guarantees
Asara has gone from down-and-out to
leading the field in a different
approach to living: an approach that has
brought success to her and the folks who
are discovering the simple yet powerful
results of thinking in theta. Asara
says, "This is not wishful thinking but
asking the right questions - then going
into the theta brain wave – the brain
wave of successful athletes and the rich
and contented - just to mention a few,
and then 'commanding' a result". She
explains how thinking in theta applies
to everyone in the success of their
everyday life.
Your Money Courage and
Your Cash Success MP3 - Special
Teleconference Seminar to stop your fear
of financial loss and to replace stress
with confidence as you come to trust
what you can do within your own courage,
strength and intelligence. Right
now you can experience the gifted help
of Asara Lovejoy, Kathryn Perry and the
No-Out-There success radio host Llenar
to put a STOP to your fears and concerns
over the economy and to Discover Your
Money Courage and Your Cash Success MP3
right now even in these difficult
financial times. |
Barry Maher
~ Barry Maher & Associates
{{Book Excerpt}}
Maher speaks and writes on communication
leadership, management and sales. An
amazingly motivational keynote speaker
and workshop leader, whose books have
been translated around the world, he can
be reached through his website.
A free chapter of
Filling the Glass by
Barry Maher, a book that was honored as
"[One of] The Seven Essential Popular
Business Books" by Today's Librarian
magazine. Translated around the world,
it's extraordinarily readable and
entertaining, yet so rich in content
it's recommended reading at places like
Columbia Business School. |
Dunn grew up and attended Etiquette
school on Philadelphia's Main Line. By
the time she was 12, she'd learned that
white gloves had nothing to do with the
weather. At 18, she'd changed from a
private girl’s school uniform into a
debutante ball gown. After college,
(which included a semester in Zimbabwe)
she worked in Publicity and Public
Relations representing Philadelphia and
national clients. As a married lady, she
discovered that while ground rules for
social "acceptance" may have changed
since her school days, the ladies
definitely hadn't. Sick of cliques,
cruelties and mean girls grown up, Beth
Dunn was motivated to write about them.
Climbers, a novel, is a witty insiders
look at society. Welcome to the World of
Social Climbers Where the society season
kicks off at the opening night of the
Philadelphia Orchestra. Main Line ladies
compete to get their names on
committees, invitations and their
picture in the newspaper. Read a
free chapter. Sit back relax and get
away from it all!
Sawtelle was born Elizabeth Bradshaw
Haldane, daughter of Rev. Dr. Robert and
Inez Elwell Haldane. She was raised in a
home filled with faith, love and joy -
one that gave her an understanding of
her own dedication to the Holy Trinity
and yet a respect for people of all
faiths. Although she has been steadfast
in her devotion to God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit, she has traveled beyond the
faith she first accepted to a higher
spiritual level. She's written the book
The Light Within and Journey
From the Heart.
Visit Website |
a warm heart and a keen sense of meaning
and purpose, Carole Matthews touches the
lives of people everywhere. Whether
given in a private session or broadcast
to thousands over national media,
Carole’s message is one of hope, clarity
and spiritual enlightenment. It is a
message that few will forget. Join
her as hostess of The MessengerFiles 560
CFOS on Mondays 12 noon EST.
Visit Website
Carole is offering
a drawing for a 30 minute reading. |
Whitman is an in-demand life coach,
motivational speaker. She is also CEO
and founder of the Quantum Success
Coaching AcademyTM, a 12 month Law of
Attraction coaching certification
program. She has helped thousands of
women and men around the world achieve
their goals through her empowerment
seminars, speeches, and coaching
sessions and products.
Christy's life-changing message reaches
over 25,000 people a month and she has
been quoted in Seventeen, Woman's World,
Woman's Day, Teen Vogue, The Star
Ledger, and Knot Magazine. As a
certified Law of Attraction coach and a
trainer with T. Harv Eker's Peak
Potentials Training, her work has been
promoted by and featured with
best-selling authors like Marianne
Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Zig Ziglar,
Brian Tracy, Neal Donald Walsch,
Abraham-Hicks and Peggy McColl.
She currently lives in Montreal with the
man of her dreams and is a regular
instructor at the Learning Annex in
Visit Website -
Visit Website
The Abundance & Prosperity Skill
Creating Abundance is a skill, like
driving a car. The more you practice,
the better you will become. Take the
first step in creating abundance so you
can thrive personally, professionally
and financially. Christy Whitman,
Certified Law of Attraction coach,
Founder of The Quantum Success Coaching
Academy is offering Three BONUS GIFTS:
* BONUS #1: Join Certified Law of
Attraction Coach and bestselling author
Christy Whitman for this FREE
* BONUS #2: Three Special Reports on The
3 Essential Universal Laws to Manifest
Money, Abundance and Love.
* BONUS #3: One free hour of Law of
Attraction coaching with a Quantum
Success Coach
Additional Bonus Gift:
Why did She Choose Suicide? e-book -
The Spiritual approach to healing when
someone you love has tragically passed. |
ancients believed full health involved a
balance between body, mind, and spirit.
This concept may seem impossible in
today’s stressful environment, when many
are feeling pulled in a myriad of
directions at once. Imagine feeling
inner peace and vitality regularly, not
just in fleeting moments. Spiritual
healing and counseling could be the
secret to rediscovering the awareness of
wholeness that is our natural state. Dan
Frost Healing illuminates the pathway to
such healing.
Visit Website |
Doyle, author of The Voice for Love,
teaches people how to access the quiet
place within them so they can receive
clear inner guidance, communication, and
support in their lives. His unique
5-Step Process for "hearing God's Voice"
has been taught to over 20,000 people
worldwide. His upcoming book, When God
Spoke to Me: The Inspiring Stories of
Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine
Guidance and Wisdom, will be
released in March 2010.
Visit Website
5 tips for Hearing God's Voice
and Inspirational Love Quotes from
Spirit - 5 Inspirational Audio Tips
from DavidPaul Doyle and Candace Doyle
to help you more clearly hear God's
Voice in your life. These 5 free audio
tips will help you: Quiet your mind,
Receive inner guidance & communication,
Hear God's Voice in more ways, Deepen
your understanding of how God's Voice is
heard in the world, Become more aware of
how you already hear God's Voice in your
Inspiration Love Quotes from Spirit
arrive in your inbox daily to help you
stay mindful, connected and on purpose
every day. These motivational
quotes will fill your heart with love,
restore your mind to truth, and
strengthen your experience of Source. |
Wealth with Deb Jalanivich will help you
"change the way you make a change!" This
is not a religion, nor tied to any
religious belief, nor does it threaten
or conflict with any religion. You will
learn how to make friends with your
subconscious mind, reaching a new level
inside you. You will discover how to
expand your ability to love and feel joy
and combine that with
scientifically-proven principles that
address the basic cellular level of your
body. You will find new ways to reach
levels of your own brain waves and set
your mind on a powerful path of your
Visit Website |
Cassino is Joint Venture Marketing
specialist doing Amazon book launches,
as well as product and service launches
using Internet viral mass marketing.
Visit Website
8 Keys to Your
#1 Bestseller - In just 9 short
minutes, you'll have a COMPLETE overview
for creating your #1 Bestseller
campaign. This audio will give you the
big picture on how to get started, what
to consider and the most important keys
to success. |
Joe Rubino, CEO of The Center for
Personal Reinvention,
is acknowledged as one of the world’s
foremost experts on the topic of
elevating self-esteem. He is a
life-changing personal development and
success coach on how to restore
self-esteem, achieve business success,
maximize joy and fulfillment in life and
productivity. He is known for his
groundbreaking work in personal and
leadership development, building
effective teams, enhancing listening and
communication skills, life and business
coaching and optimal life planning.
His 11 best selling books and audio
programs are available in 21 languages
and in 53 countries and include:
• The Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate
Guide to Boost the Most Underrated
Ingredient for Success and Happiness in
• The Success Code, Books I & II
• The Magic Lantern: A Fable about
Leadership, Personal Excellence, and
• The Legend of the Light-Bearers: A
Fable about Personal Reinvention and
Global Transformation
Dr. Joe offers powerful personal and
group coaching to support business
success and life fulfillment. To contact
him, call 888-821-3135 or email
Learn more about his life-changing work
in championing people to restore their
self-esteem by visiting his websites:
Visit Website -
Visit Website -
Visit Website
Steps to Soaring Self-Esteem and Success
Achievers’ Club Membership - 7 Steps to
Soaring Self-Esteem is the insightful,
eye-opening audio program based on the
internationally best-selling book, “The
Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate Guide to
Boost the Most Underrated Ingredient for
Success and Happiness.”
Learn the reasons why this program has
been the primary guide for thousands to
totally improve their lives by elevating
their self-esteem. Healthy Self-Esteem
is the #1 factor for all successes in
life! Get this Complimentary MP3 Audio
Program Now and You will Find Out:
• Why over 85% of the World's Citizens
Experience Negative Effects from
Diminished Self-Esteem
• That Often our ‘Lack’ of Self-Esteem
is so Subtle that we Don’t Even Notice
• Why Lacking Self-Esteem is the #1
Cause of Most Negative Emotions such as
Anger, Hurt, Greed, Fear, and Guilt to
name just a Few
Plus You Will Learn Things Like:
• How to Replace Negative Messages with
New Core Beliefs that Support Your
Happiness and Excellence
• How to Heal the Past and Stop the
Downward Spiral of Self-Sabotage
• How to Implement n easy to follow
system that will Impact Your Life in a
Dramatically Positive Manner
PLUS – You’ll receive a 1 Year
Subscription to The Success Achievers
Club and Success Code Newsletter –
filled with wisdom, insightful articles,
tips, free and discounted offers for
those interested in possessing Extreme
Self-Esteem and maximizing their
happiness, success, wealth, and personal
effectiveness. |
Taylor has made a lifelong study of the
human mind and has earned doctoral
degrees in psychology and metaphysics.
He is a Fellow with the American
Psychotherapy Association (APA) and a
nondenominational minister.
Eldon is also the President and Director
of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc.
For more than twenty years, his books,
CDs, lectures, radio, and television
appearances have approached personal
empowerment from the cornerstone
perspective of forgiveness, gratitude,
self responsibility and service.
Visit Website
Choices and
Illusions - Free book excerpt
download and free audio download
The New York Times best-selling book,
Choices and Illusions holds an
important key. Whether you are
interested in the science of thinking
and beliefs, how your own mind works,
how others control your thoughts, why
things just don't work out in your life,
how you can create the life you have
always wanted, how you can realize your
true potential, how you can find peace,
or on a grander scale, how you can help
make the world a better place, Choices
and Illusions provides insights for all.
Eldon Taylor's approach is scientific
and pragmatic, and his conclusions are
inspirational and soul enhancing. Enjoy
a free book excerpt and a special bonus
gift, a free MP3 "High Self Esteem,"
which utilizes the patented and proven
InnerTalk technology. |
Eva Gregory ~ Leading
Edge Coaching & Training {{Bonus
Gift: E-Course}} |
FeelGood Coach™, Eva Gregory, is a
master coach, speaker and author of
several programs and books including The
Feel Good Guide to Prosperity. Her
newest book, Life Lessons for Mastering
the Law of Attraction, co-authored with
Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and
Jeanna Gabellini can be found in
bookstores everywhere.
A recognized authority on the Law of
Attraction, Eva has instructed tens of
thousands in person, on the radio and in
teleconferences, seminars and workshops
on how to deliberately create a life by
Visit Website

Wake Up to the Dream ~ 12 WEEK
join thousands of others who have taken
the steps toward creating more success
in their lives. How committed are
you to making your dreams a reality
today? What would it be worth to you to
be on your way to actualizing your
dreams within the next 90 days?
international leader in self-help and
transformational publishing.
Hay House Gift Package
Experience a wealth of motivational
products from Hay House with a gift
package that will help you live a deeply
fulfilling and inspired life. Some of
your favorite Hay House authors share
the best of what they have learned about
inspiration, motivation, well-being,
relationships, wealth and spirituality. |
Medium, and works with Crystalline
Energy for healing purposes. She offers
Angel and Mediumship Readings and
Workshops as well as Workshops on “How
to communicate with loved ones who are
living with Dementia, Alzheimer’s
Disease or are in a Coma.
How to communicate with
loved ones who are living with Dementia,
Alzheimer’s Disease or are in a Coma.
This is Hetty’s part of her personal
journey with her mother diagnosed with
Dementia. Included in her journey are
tools that will change communication for
you and your loved one forever. It is
possible, it is real Yes there is a way.
could call her “Earth’s Cheerleader.”
Jackie Lapin is a writer, speaker and
visionary who is educating and uniting
the planet’s people to manifest a
better, healthier more peaceful and
joyful world. She is revealing to
humanity its ultimate power for global
transformation and leading the call for
synchronizing a vision for a new and
better reality…just as a football
cheerleader unites the stadium in a
cheer for victory. In this case, the
victory is our very own survival and
happiness. She is motivating, urging,
rousing and inspiring a unified call to
action! As an author of The Art of
Conscious Creation, she is manifesting
change and creating abundant lives all
over the world! Her websites include:
Website -
Visit Website -
Visit Website -
Visit Website -
Beyond The Law Of
Attraction: How Conscious Creation Can
Help You Create The Blueprint For Your
Future - If
you’ve heard about the Law of
Attraction, you’re only a tenth of the
way there. In order to truly take
charge of your future, you must begin
pro-actively Consciously Creating Your
Life—marshalling all of your intent,
your energy, your creative visionary
skills and your power of creation to
manifest the future you choose to live.
You can leave it to chance and see what
life deals you, or you can go forward
with a vision—a plan--and the positive
high frequency energy that you have the
power to radiate. Are you ready to tip
the odds in your favor? This
powerful e-book explains the science
that proves that going from vision to
reality is more than just myth. And then
offers five steps to get you started!
Gabellini and Eva Gregory are master
coaches, speakers and authors of several
programs and books. They have instructed
thousands in person, on the radio and in
teleconference training programs on how
to deliberately create a life by design
using the Law of Attraction.
In addition to their successful coaching
practices, in 1999 they formed a company
called Abundance Abounds, to make an
even greater impact together.
Jeanna and Eva are regularly featured on
radio and in the media, and are
recognized authorities on the Laws of
Attraction. Their book, "Life Lessons
for Mastering the Laws of Attraction",
is co-authored with Jack Canfield and
Mark Victor Hansen.
Visit Website
Unlimited Prosperity, Jeanna and
Eva take you on an experiential,
power-packed, and fun journey straight
into prosperity! You will learn all the
principles and several processes shared
in the internationally acclaimed 12-week
teleseminar, The Prosperity Game. |
are in service to those who seek
enlightenment, peace, understanding and
joy. Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive,
channel for Archangel Uriel, spiritual
teacher and founder of Miracle Coaching.
She has authored eight books, and has
written the world reknown Enlightening
Life newsletter since 2004. Her latest
book, 30 Days to Everyday Miracles
has garnered critical acclaim. She
teaches seminars, workshops and hosts
Blog Talk Radio's most popular spiritual
radio show each Wednesday at 8PM central
Change Your Mind,
Create a Miracle teleclass Do
you need a miracle in your life? This
one hour teleclass describes the process
of miracle creation so you can learn how
to create a miraculous life. You will
learn the basic principles of miracle
creation, what to avoid and how to
create a miracle mindset. |
Bella Vita Photography is a mobile
photography studio bringing professional
photographs to your home, family
reunion, office party, church, apartment
complex or special event. Your life is
beautiful and it's right here in this
very moment. We live in a fast paced
world of intentions to spend time with
loved ones and have professional
portraits taken to record our love in a
material format. Now is the time to
capture the memories of life together in
a personal, professional portrait by Mia
Bella Vita Photography. Don't let this
moment slip away.
Visit Website |
Kim Loftis ~ From the
Angels with Love {{MP3
Download}} |
Loftis is a certified spiritual healing
practitioner and spiritual fulfillment
coach, dedicated to assisting you in
living a life brimming over with
serenity, joy and the self-empowerment
necessary to go for your dreams and
allow your heart to sing. She offers
spiritual counseling to help you gain
peace and tranquility on your walk with
the God of your understanding, energy
work sessions to revitalize mind and
body, and the opportunity to receive the
profound love and comfort of your
angelic entourage.
Visit Website
Nurturing your Inner Child guided
We often neglect
the beautiful part of ourselves that is
our inner child, and take his or her
gifts for granted. This 24-minute
meditation, with gorgeous music by
composer Sharon Drury, is a beautiful
way to connect with your inner child,
nurture and be nurtured by this
wonderful part of yourself, and
experience the love that he or she has
to offer you. This meditation can assist
you in healing the wounds suffered by
your inner child, and bring your inner
child more fully into your daily life in
ways that bring you joy and delight.
This meditation will assist you in:
* Connecting with your inner child in a
safe and loving environment.
* Loving and being loved by your inner
* Healing past wounds.
* Recognizing your self-worth.
* Discovering the gifts that your inner
child can offer you.
* Forming a joyful relationship with
your inner child.
* Discovering wonderful ways to bring
your inner child more fully into your
everyday life.
This meditation provides a beautiful and
profound way to heal, nurture and love
yourself more fully. You'll love
utilizing it any time you wish to gain
comfort, healing and greater delight and
peace in your life. |
Lisa Reed ~
Intuitive Lifestyle Coach
{{E-Book}} |
Reed has a Ph.D. in metaphysics. She is
a certified life coach, public speaker,
and intuitive/channel. Lisa's style of
coaching is complemented with intuitive
insights to guide you along your path to
transformation. Lisa has also written a
book, Divinely Blessed: A Journey of
Light, that chronicles her near-death
experience and the insights it gave her.
Don't wait another day. Start living the
life of your dreams.
Visit Website
Lisa Reed is
providing an E-Book on ways to help you
learn how to Manage Change with
Enthusiasm and Self-Confidence during
these most uncertain of times. |
a successful business advisory and
travel agency businesses in the
Philippines, Lourdes Elardo-Gant
immigrated to Canada to learn from multi
- millionaires. She began her continued
quest for personal development. She
learned at the time that happiness and
freedom are the ultimate intentions from
accumulating wealth. With a unique skill
of attracting wealth and success and
sharing them, Lourdes began her Law of
Attraction Coaching career teaching
manifestation strategies.
Visit Website
The Secret Behind This FREE Course
Will Change Your Life For The Better!!
Expert Law Of Attraction Reveals The
Forbidden Success Secrets The 'Business
Tycoon' Would KILL To Keep Hidden From
You... |
Anneslia Turner is a Positivoligist™,
motivational speaker, author, certified
dream teacher and Angelspeake™
facilitator. She is committed to helping
people from all walks of life embrace a
path surrounded with light and love, so
that they may live a more fulfilled and
positive existence.
An experienced practitioner of healing
techniques and a musician, Lynette
believes that taking charge of your life
will take you on a journey of discovery
and enlightenment that can change your
life for the better. It’s all about
B.L.I.S.S., Believe Life Is Something
Special, because it is, and so are you.
Visit Website
Coming of Age Guided
Meditation - We are all on a journey
of transformation. When walking the path
with an open mind and giving heart we
evolve as we are “Coming of age”. This
meditation takes you on a visual
excursion during which you will feel
calm, connected to source and come to
feel the power of living in the light.
Think peace, live love, become one with
the sunset. With light, with laughter,
with love. You are “Coming of Age”.
Zakowski, M.D. ~ Quantum
Birthing, LLC
{{Gift Package}} |
Mark Zakowski has personally assisted
over 20,000 women in giving birth. He is
the author of “Safe Baby System” where
he shares his extensive experience and
knowledge. Dr. Zakowski has been Chief
of Obstetric Anesthesiology for over 18
years at nationally recognized hospitals
and in charge of over 105,000 deliveries
giving him unique and valuable insights.
Pregnant women or those thinking about
being pregnant as well as their partner
will want to visit his site for
information on how to help safeguard
against Swine Flu, protect the mother
and baby during pregnancy and when
giving birth.
Visit Website
Update for Pregnancy, Babies and Infants
- This special report contains life
saving information:
* How to avoid getting sick
* How to avoid spreading disease to your
loved ones
* How to tell if you have Swine Flu
* Current recommended treatment for
Swine Flu
* Important information about the Swine
Flu vaccine and which vaccine NOT to get
* Who is at high risk for getting
complication from Swine Flu.
You will find crucially important
information to help protect you during
this Swine Flu pandemic, flu season, or
even every day and especially for the
health of your children and pregnant
women who are being affected to a
greater degree than the average adult
population. No matter what your age,
sex, or pregnancy status is, this report
is for you!
life coach & author Michelle Bersell
leads people out of the “emotional stone
ages” & into the next consciousness
shift. This shift has supported
thousands to utilize their stress,
feelings and fears to their advantage.
Television, radio, print and internet
media turn to Michelle due to her unique
approach that explains away common myths
that prevent people from living their
ideal life.
Visit Website
Emotional Abundance: The Next
Shift in Consciousness! $19.95 value
Have you ever thought that when you feel
stressed or overwhelmed that it could be
a gift? If not, you haven’t heard from
psychotherapist and life coach Michelle
Bersell. Michelle’s unique perspective
on your emotional well-being allows you
to take feelings that once weighed you
down and utilize them to give you the
exact direction you need to move
forward. It is time to come out of the
emotional stone ages and transcend into
the next consciousness shift. |
is a motivational speaker and Business
Coach. Paul is also a gifted
numerologist. He is featured on the
internationally acclaimed radio show the
Messenger Files. Radio host Carole
Matthews invites Paul to do a monthly
numerological forecast. Listeners vie
with one on one call in and Paul does
their number live on the air. Its always
fun interactive and unexpected when
Paulo is on air!
Visit Website
Paul is offering a
drawing for a numerology reading.
| |
helps leaders and their teams create
environments and practices to maximize
knowledge creation and application in
the workplace.
Visit Website |
Dr. Sherri Barclift, I am an
internationally known Interfaith
Minister with the Alliance of Divine
Love - chapel 1547, a Doctor of
Divinity, Spiritual Counselor,
Intuitive, Healer and Teacher. My
work has been focused on teaching,
empowering and working with others on
their spiritual journey for over 15
years. I have been featured on The
Learning Channel, as well being
published in Planet Lightworker,
WomenOf.com, Natural Awakenings, and
held classes and workshops on various
spiritual themes in both Florida and
North Carolina.
Visit Website
- Spiritual Pathways of the Awakened
Soul - |
all of my education, training and
professional experience, it is my faith
in the capacity of the human spirit to
urge us toward manifesting our highest
gifts that inspires me.
Dr. Roxanne Howe-Murphy is author of the
internationally acclaimed book, Deep
Coaching: Using the Enneagram as a
Catalyst for Profound Change (available
at amazon.com). She is a global leader
in Enneagram studies, teaching, numerous
workshops, courses, and retreats that
are Enneagram-based. She is also a
certified coach and a Riso-Hudson
Enneagram teacher. Earning her doctorate
from the University of San Francisco,
she directs the Enneagram Institute of
the San Francisco Bay Area.
She is the founding teacher of the Deep
Coaching Training Program which
certifies coaches, therapists and other
growth-oriented practitioners in
integrating the Enneagram into their
practices, supporting them to offer
tools to their clients that will help
transform their lives. Deeply committed
to helping people wake-up to their true
nature, Roxanne has personally helped
hundreds of people come to an
understanding of their Enneagram
personality type and break through their
limiting beliefs that kept them boxed
in. Her individual clients include
professional and executive women and men
from around the world.
Visit Website |
Shields is an award-winning pianist,
composer, speaker, author and radio
personality. Co-host of the exciting new
BlogTalkRadio show, “Blurb!” Shields is
a frequent contributor to various
magazines, and has been featured in Star
Magazine, Obvious, My Day, Girlfriendz,
For the Bride and many others. Endorsed
by Dr. Laura Schlessinger and Martha
Stewart, she has appeared on Fox and
Friends, and is a repeat guest on the
nationally syndicated The Daily Buzz
with her Wedding Showers #1 Amazon.com
She performs, speaks and gives workshops
worldwide, and her music is currently
featured on the ABC TV daytime drama All
My Children.
Visit Website
Daughter-in-Law Rules eBook -
Whether you're at the beginning of your
marriage or you've spent years trying to
make peace with your mother-in-law, The
Daughter-in-Law Rules provides a
revolutionary set of strategies, making
copasetic coexistence possible at last!
Proceeds of this book help support The
National Breast Cancer Foundation. Think
Pink! |
Sarah Maria is a
body-image expert who has developed a
five-step process to help you break free
from Negative Body Obsession and live
the life of your dreams. Her book Love
Your Body, Love Your Life, (coming
November 2009) is endorsed by Deepak
Chopra, Dr. David Simon, and Marci
Shimoff, among others. Receive your free
e-book on overcoming the Lies that
create Negative Body Obsession so that
you can create a life that you love.
Visit Website
Overcome the Lies: Secrets to Creating a
Body and Life that you Love |
B True is an Animal Communicator,
Certified Healing Touch for Animals
Practitioner and Healthy Pet consultant.
Spirit Paws was created to assist you in
creating a healthy and deep spiritual
bond between you and your animal
companion. Sherry has created several
meditation CD's to assist you and your
animal on your path.
Visit Website
Pet Loss Support Kit - The Pet
Loss Support Kit is a thoughtful and
comforting pet loss source provided in
an E-Booklet format for those getting
ready to go through or have already gone
through the process of pet loss. |
Susan Beran ~ Healing
with the Reiki Angels
{{Report}} |
Beran is a Reiki Master and Intuitive
who has had the ability since childhood
to communicate with the Spirit realm.
Susan has been a member of the ARE
(Association for Research and
Enlightenment) for 30 years, studied
with Navajo and Hopi medicine men and
women while living in the Southwestern
United States for 11 years and taught
classes in the use of medicinal herbs.
She does distant energy healings, Reiki
Attunements and Intuitive Angel readings
through her website. The focus of her
energetic work now is to assist in
healing the imbalances caused by the
monumental shifts taking place on our
planet as we all ascend into the Higher
Realms of Spirit. Feeling as though your
life has spiraled out of control? Here
is a compilation of simple methods to
help you maintain physical and emotional
balance which you can do in only a few
minutes each day. Life is complicated.
These techniques are simple, straight
forward and easy to perform, yet are a
powerful way to keep your energy
balanced and in alignment with your
Higher Power.
View Website
Planetary Ascension - Symptoms and
Solutions Feeling as though your life has spiraled out of control? Here is a
compilation of simple methods to help you maintain physical and emotional
balance which you can do in only a few minutes each day. Life is complicated.
These techniques are simple, straight forward and easy to perform, yet are a
powerful way to keep your energy balanced and in alignment with your Higher
Power. |
Tamara Baruhovich ~ Tools For
Abundance {{E-Book}} |
for Abundance is a Personal Development
and Self Growth Portal that helps you
create abundance in every aspect of life
by using effective tools and techniques.
Find a huge selection of free gifts like
ebooks, articles, resources, courses,
videos, ezine, plus much more!
Visit Website
"Develop a Positive
Attitude to Lead a Great Life"
Your attitude
plays a major role in every single
aspect of your life.
It dictates your thoughts...
It influences your feelings...
It affects your actions...
If what you want is to live a fulfilled
life, I invite you to learn to develop a
positive attitude and live by it
everyday so you can achieve success in
every aspect of life. |
Our belief that healing comes from within leads us to more natural
therapies and alternative interventions
predominantly from the East. With
today's fast moving, ever-changing
lifestyles, stress is the most common
disease of these times and we must be able
to balance all areas of our being.
It's essential to nurture our minds, bodies
and souls to enjoy life.
Website |
Theresa Maria Napa, CPCC,
LOACC ~ Right Track Coaching
{{E-Course}} |
Napa is dedicated to helping
professionals and executives increase
their winning percentage while taking
fewer steps and producing better
results. She takes her coaching to
higher levels of impact with her
talents, understanding, compassion and
the deliberate intention that each of
her clients is distinctive in who they
are and what they want to achieve Visit
her website for information on free
teleseminars, assessments and more!
Visit Website
SOAR From Passion to Mastery
E-Course - Want to master the
principles of change? Then you need the
right tools! Theresa-Maria Napa has a
FREE toolkit to help you build mastery
from change. Set your passion for
achieving results into motion. Sign up
for our 21-Day Leadership PDF E-Course
from "Passion to Mastery." |
Trudy Griswold ~
Angelspeake {{MP3
Download}} |
Griswold is the co-author of the widely
acclaimed Angelspeake: How to Talk with
Your Angels, The Angelspeake Storybook,
The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and
Healing and Heaven & Beyond:
Conversations with Souls in Transition.
She is an internationally known teacher,
spiritual counselor and angel expert.
She currently offers both in person and
distance classes, counseling and
INFORMATION Love Meditation
Become a magnet for love! This meditation will help you to attract the
universe’s unconditional and limitless flow of loving energy. As you listen to
these beautiful sounds, you will learn to open your heart and soul to receive
the full benefit of this magnificent gift. |
Gallant ~
Welcome Changes {{E-Book}} |
Gallant, aka The Queen of JOY, is an
author, international speaker and Lazer
Clarity Coach. The Queen of JOY wears
many hats as she coaches her clients,
including the I-Doctor of Self-Vision.
As a Life-Driving Instructor, Velma
encourages you to release the brakes and
JOY Ride through Life! One of her
special Joys is Welcome Changes Radio,
where she interviews fun and exciting
guests such as Mike Dooley, Joe Vitale
and many more.
JOYTASTIC Women: It's Who
We're Meant To Be -
someone who IS JOY. She IS JOY because
of how she lovingly cares for all
aspects of herself. She IS JOY because
she knows her Value. In this report, you
will learn about your 5 bodies, what
they require, and how caring for your 5
bodies automatically brings you into
balance and you become the JOYTASTIC
Woman you are meant to be! |
We graciously thank our sponsors for their
support and promotion of Waiting in the Other
Room by sharing our information with those
they know and offering these wonderful bonus
gifts! |
Waiting in the Other Room from
Amazon by clicking the book
for the Prize Drawing and
Download the Sponsor Bonus

Waiting in the Other
Room |