Big Jim Riding Through...
Taken From: Soul Kisses Newsletter November 2006
A few weeks ago Majik (the puppy)
and I were sitting outside on the deck enjoying the, still warm,
night air. It was dark and the stars were shining brightly
all around. Suddenly, we felt a whoooosh of wind whiz past
us - along with it was the feeling of Big Jim riding his Harley
right in front of us - or perhaps even through us! The trees didn't move, for the rush
of the wind was only for us, sitting close to the house - out of
any breeze that might be stirring in the night.
When Fred and Jesse joined us I
told them of Big Jim's visit and the whoosh of air. Just
then Jesse saw a shooting star - or was it? Was it the
headlight of a lone Harley speeding through the night sky?
Daddy, was that you?
Yes, it was I. I ride
through quite often - stirring up the little dog on
occasion. We dead people are around more than you
think. When you acknowledge that we're there it
always gives us a thrill. There is so much love
here - no fretting and worrying - ya'll worry about a
lot of things, there on earth that just really don't
matter in the bigger picture of things.
amazing to see the prayers here - they're like shooting
stars into the heavens - a lightning bolt of energy!
It's true every prayer is listened to by the big man
himself. Pray for one another and then let the
prayers be answered. It's true - you're not alone
- not any of you!
When you feel us - let us know
we're connecting with you - it's like applause - we just
can't get enough of it!
~Big Jim |