heard about Feng Shui for years, bought books and cards and become confused.
Then when the time was right - in God's time - I came across a book that
dissipated the mystery of Feng Shui and released the magic - it was as if I
had been taken by the hand... The practice of Feng Shui jump
starts Miracle Working. Initially we clear away clutter; thereby,
dissipating stagnant and negative energy. We begin to make decisions -
decisions on what we want in our lives. We focus on determining what
we want, whereas otherwise, most of us would be rolling through our physical
world days just trying to get everything done that we need to do. When
we focus and determine what we want, we anchor it in the Universe with
symbols. This process enhances our lives by 1) Asking, 2) Believing we
will receive, 3) Moving on with our lives and letting God and the angels
work, 4) Being grateful that we receive.
I've found this chart to be true: