Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Photo Falling from the Sky?

This picture was taken of snow falling at night in a backyard - December 26th, 2004 by Tonia Talberg.  You will see the faint outline of the roof in the upper left to middle of the image as well as a tree limb in the left side as well as at the bottom. 

In the blur of light through the middle of the image you will see this:

This appears to be photographs falling in the night sky???

This is one of those images enlarged.  At first, all I could see is pixels of color, then I looked away and looked back...

There are several faces in the image:  An elderly person sitting in the lower right corner, someone looking over their shoulder and third person wearing a blue or gray shirt.  If you don't see it at first, leave the browser window open and come back to it...

Soul Kisses




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