Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Fun Holiday Intention

Many of us experience sadness, overwhelmed-ness, anxiety, fear and depression the holiday time of year - simply because it is the holiday season. Big Jim suffered from the Big D - Depression - quite often - after his first heart issue he suffered from it even more. I recollect in one phone conversation he told me he was so far down he didn't think he'd be able to pull out of it (he did).

A member of the Soul Kiss family shared with me in October, 2007 that she was already beginning to feel the "stress" of the holidays. I too get "angst" in my chest and tremendous sadness at this time of year.

In the trilogy of books, Conversations with God Book III, God talks about living in the NOW. In so doing we don't bring forward experiences of the past. Like the feelings described here about Christmas past. That to live in the NOW is to experience the NOW moment as if it were brand new with no shadows of the past attached - as if it never happened before.

What if we set the intention to experience the wonder, joy and love of the Holiday Season as if it were our first time? What would the Holiday Season be like?

Together we made a pact to live in the NOW of the moment as if never having experienced a holiday season before. We set the intention to release the feelings/emotions of holidays past to now experience this time with new eyes. We agreed to see the love around us as if we were children, to open our hearts to the joy of life, to focus on that which we are grateful and embrace these feelings daily, moment by moment and to give love freely to others through prayer and loving thoughts.

As we approach this holiday season with the excitement of our "first time" as our focus, love will radiate from us as a blessed gift to the world.

This holiday pact was suggested to the Soul Kiss readers.  Many responded - see Sue's response below:


Dear Kate, Big Jim and Friends,

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to set this holiday intention. Mine will include the entire year. I, like Big Jim have a history of depression. I have worked beyond it and now teach others to do the same. My pact with myself and all is to spend each and every day open to the absolute beauty, love and joy the Universe has to offer each and every moment of each and every day. I was blessed with a beautiful little grandson on August 2, 2006. When I am with him I watch how he approaches things and his observations. It's amazing to see the world through his eyes. Thank you for your beautiful newsletter.

Beautiful holidays and beauty and love always,

Sue's Grandson

Sue's commitment to implementing the Holiday Pact throughout the entire year is marvelous!  The picture above is proof of the joy of living here on Mother Earth.  It is so easy to get caught up in the seeming chaos of those around us.  It is up to us to maintain our focus on the divinity within us and spread God's love to others.

Soul Kisses




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