Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Do you feel like you're "living in a powder keg & giving off sparks" at work?  At home?  Or - OMG - at work AND at home?

The energy surrounding us holds an underlying vibration of fear & chaos - if you're very sensitive to energy (like I am) you may feel as if you're being attacked and abused.  The vibration of energy around you can lead your energy to feel unstable.

This low vibration of fear is wreaking havoc with:
* clarity
* focus
* memory
* physical ailments
* eyesight (OMG!)
* communication - more specifically miscommunication
* technology - dropped phone calls, lost email, phone, internet, TV, tablet doesn't work
** last but not least ===> your pets are feeling it, too.

If you fight this energy that's building within you - and fighting IS the human subconscious need - you will be B-B-B:

Bloodied &

How to make this experience easier: 

Accept & Surrender to flow in Ease and Grace

Accept: what is - not your fault or anyone else's 'fault' --- What IS - Simply IS

Surrender: to the acceptance of What IS - stop that urge within you to Struggle, Fight, Worry & BE Frustrated.  Struggle, fighting, worry & frustration will bury you alive in experiences and outcomes you Do NOT Want!

Note:  Surrender is NOT Giving Up!  Surrender opens the flow for a higher outcome!

Remember:  You can NOT change or control others. 

Your POWER lies in Your Perception -- if the perception that you're standing in right now of your current life experiences is like "living in a powder keg & giving off sparks" -- step back & change your perception:  Accept & Surrender to flow in ease and grace.

Acceptance & Surrendering opens the way to:
* clarity
* focus
* improved memory
* optimal health
* clearer vision
* patient communication
* patience with technology
** last but not least ===> your pets will pick up on the higher vibration of your energy and they'll be more pleasant as well.

With Acceptance & Surrender you'll BE in your power to mold your creation energy into more loving experiences & higher outcomes.  PLUS you will have perfected a valuable tool to make your future easier when you're faced with similar energy - you'll know what to do!

Breathe into your power, dear one!

I hold you in the light of flowing in Ease & Grace to create the Highest Possible Outcome!

If you'd like to have this information as an audio pick me up, click here.  You may download the audio by right clicking and following the prompts.

In love and light,

Soul Kisses





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