Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Angelic GPS January 4 - 10, 2016

This week's energy fully supports peeking into your future through vision of your higher self!

The physical world teaches us that we're limited in what we can Be, Do and Have.

This is a lie.

Pure and simple, it's a lie.

It's time you stopped believing it.

The truth is this:  If you have the "idea" of experiencing something wonderful that brings your heart great joy, you can.  This experience is already yours at a higher plane of existence - that's why you had the "idea"!

So... right now... in This-Moment, close your eyes and allow your heart to take that journey of peeking into your future through the vision of your higher self.  Allow your brain to dream and dream BIG!  Engage in the energy of what it would be like to experience in your physical state your biggest, most magnificent dream!

...and know... that with your eyes closed... your physical brain doesn't distinguish between something that isn't physically tangible and what is.

NOTE:  This is NOT faking it till you make it and it is NOT lying to yourself.

You aren't physically experiencing what you want, but you ARE Physically - Molding - Creation - Energy - Into - FORM!

You got this!

In love and light,

ps - need help peeking into your future?  Ask your angels to guide you to the tools you need.  Here are some of mine:

Peek into Your Future During Mercury Retrograde  Mercury Retrograde: January 5 - 25, 2016
Receive and Understand Messages from Your Angels
Communicating with Your Angels
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program

All of these tools are included in The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs - both the Self-Study and the LIVE versions!

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

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