Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Angelic GPS March 14 - 20, 2016

This week's energy supports discerning your Core Beliefs.

From inception through 5-6 years we form our internal subconscious beliefs that shape and define our lives.  Including taking on the energy of our mother's emotions while in the womb.

A high percentage of the time, these neural pathways of belief hold the energetic belief of not being good enough, worthy or deserving.  This is the subconscious energy we create our life from.

This year of 2016 holds the energy of re-writing those neural pathways of subconscious beliefs - and this week holds it specifically.

This is wonderful!  However, in order to know what must be re-written, it must first be revealed to us.  And that revelation can be a painful argument with someone, a misalignment of energy at work or a painful blast from the past reappearing in your life. 

KNOW that these situations and events are not in your face to hurt you, they're in your face begging to be healed.

Look at the painful energy that is triggered - and it will begin to lose it's power over you.  Then follow those breadcrumbs to it's core - disconnect from it and heal it.  The act of observation changes everything!

Remember... don't push uncomfortable energy aside - it will only grow stronger!

You got this!

In love and light,

ps - need human support to live your biggest, most magnificent life?  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Self-Study Program is available now - you gotta check it out!  The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program

Just need a tool to get you over the hump?  Check these out:
How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program
Meet Your Worry Angel - full program
Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness
Healing Trilogy - 3 guided meditations: Love, Worthiness, Forgiveness

All of these tools are included in both the Self-Study and LIVE versions of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Programs.  No time to participate in a live class? Not to worry - you'll LOVE the Self-Study!

“I don’t know how, but miracles happen in my life - Every. Day."

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