Message from Big Jim
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About Kathryn (Kate)

Kathryn (Kate) Speakes-Large is an internationally known
author of Waiting in the Other Room, a medium,
teacher, photographer and communicator with orbs and
spiritual webmaster. She is a healer of the light with
human words and a conduit for the comfort of God’s
healing love.
She works with Jesus as her guide to reach others
through her work on the Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers
website. Currently Soul Kisses has subscribers in over 50
Kate is just like you; a spiritual being experiencing a
human existence. She didn't think she was born
"connected." She didn't even "dial in" as an adolescent.
As a teen, she quietly questioned the teachings of her
family's Southern Baptist religion. Through a telepathic
connection she experienced with her maternal grandmother, she
knew there had to be more - and she discovered that
there is.
Kate's research led her to books by Doreen Virtue, James
Van Praagh, John Edward, Sylvia Browne and many others. She tried
very hard to connect with the angelic realm and deceased
loved ones through meditation, but kept falling asleep.
Then she discovered the meditation that "clicked" and
met her spirit guide, Gabrielle and visited with her
often - all the while sharing the visits with her
husband, Fred. Then one day as she was beginning to
meditate, she saw in her minds eye, a man standing on
the edge of the meditation garden. He wore a long white
robe. Next thing she knew he was beside her. It was
In the weeks that followed, Jesus was present in all the
connections with Gabrielle - and He was always doing the
talking while Gabrielle would sit quietly. One day Kate
asked Jesus why He always participated in her visits
with Gabrielle and why did He do all the talking? He
explained to her, He "has more clout with Fred." There
is always something going on in the bigger picture.
Kate was guided to Angelspeake, How to Talk With Your
Angels by Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold. Through their
words, she learned to communicate using automatic
dictation with the angels and deceased loved ones.
When her dad, Big Jim, died in 2005 and became a
regular visitor to her home, her work took on new
meaning. Big Jim began to write messages "to the
people" through the Soul Kisses newsletter and the
readers were comforted with this new voice from the other
side of the veil. He suggested Waiting
in the Other Room and the new meaning took on
great purpose!
Message from Kate:
When Daddy died, life as I knew it
was over. Even though I knew he was in a better
place, my human-ness felt a sense of finality at his
physical death. Little did I know that our
relationship would experience a twist. Daddy's
physical body died, but his spirit - the essence of who
he is - comes to see me often. He's still my dad
helping out with fatherly advice, comforting me when I'm
sick and dropping in an occasional spider to change the
dynamic of family drama, not to mention supporting me in
my work and giving me amazingly creative ideas!
This continued communication that
we have was destined to be shared with you through
Waiting in the Other Room to help you to release
your fear of death for yourself and for those you love.
It is a tool to help you validate that those you love
who have died are still with you, giving you signs that
through their love you are still connected.
We invite you to read Waiting
in the Other Room and to share it with your friends
and family to help them find peace within and comfort
where death of the physical body is concerned.
May you be profoundly blessed in
this moment and in every moment after...
In love and light,
Kate |