What Others are Saying
about Waiting in the Other Room “Kate’s book Waiting in the Other Room is
extremely helpful to any one who has lost a
loved one and wondered whether they could
connect with them on the other side of the veil.
I had been told that daily meditation could
connect you to the spirit world, so I prayed and
meditated daily in an attempt to connect with
the deceased husband whom I had been married to
for 34 years when he died of cancer. After some
time had passed, I started hearing a voice in my
head that talked to me just like he used to, but
I wondered if I was just imagining it or my mind
was playing tricks on me. After reading Kate’s
book and her experiences with her dad, I
realized that I am really hearing my deceased
husband. He even teases me about my lousy
driving skills – like he did when he was alive.
I highly recommend Kate’s book. It is well worth
reading and buying.”
~ Donna Roberts

"Waiting in the
Other Room is one of the most remarkable books about
spirit communication that I have ever read, and I have
read many from authors such as James Van Praagh to
Sylvia Browne. What makes this book remarkable is
that Kate Speaks-Large was not a psychic medium from
birth - she purposefully learned how to communicate with
the angelic realm as an adult. This book is a
heart-stopping page-turner. Once I started, I simply
could NOT put it down. With each new story of contact
from the Kate's dad in the spirit realm, the reader will
feel reassured, comforted and elated with the knowledge
that our loved ones who have passed are so close. After
reading a chapter I turned to my husband and said, "I
just want to know 2 things, when you get there: a) will
you be pleasantly surprised and b) can I say 'I told you
so!'?" Written in a most empathetic and heart-filled
way, Ms. Large does not make light of the fact that the
pain of losing a loved one's physical body to death is
something that is real, deep and more painful that
anyone going through it can express while her stories of
life after life will bring laughter, tears, hope,
reassurance and ultimately relief. This book makes a
most sensitive gift to anyone who has lost a loved one.
Bravo to Kate Large, and 5 stars to Waiting in the
Other Room."
~ Sally Shields, speaker, radio personality, publicity
specialist and author of the #1 Amazon.com bestseller,
The Daughter-in-Law Rules! theDILRules.com

"Her name is Kathryn
Speakes-Large and that is exactly what she does in her
amazing book. Kate is a beautiful Light Worker and Amazing
Teacher. In her down to earth words you can feel the touch
of the Holy Spirit. Once I started reading I found myself laughing, crying and unable to put the book down.
Waiting in
the Other Room is a must read for anyone who questions death
and the afterlife. Open your heart and your mind to this
powerful message from God."
~ Lisa Reed - Hurtt, IntuitiveLifestyleCoach.com
Author of "Divinely Blessed" A journey of light!

"Facing the loss of a loved one is the
hardest thing that we will ever have to do during our
earthly existence. But, once we realize that our loved
one’s spirits are alive and well and eager to
communicate with us our broken hearts can begin the
healing process. In Waiting in the Other Room
Kathryn openly shares her after death communications
with her father Big Jim. She discusses the everyday
signs of his existence that she receives and I couldn’t
help but feel the closeness of their relationship as I
read the often humorous accounts of their conversations.
Waiting in the Other Room will touch your heart
and soul as Big Jim shares insights about life here on
earth from a heavenly perspective with his daughter; as
only a father could do.
Kathryn’s spiritual understanding and her literary
talent come together to create a magnificent and
beautiful accounting of how our loved ones remain a part
of our life even after death of the physical body. I
found Waiting in the Other Room to be perceptive,
healing, humorous, and to put it quite simply a book
that you must read!"
~ Paula M. Ezop’s inspirational columns Following the
Spiritual Soul have appeared in Oconee Today, a South
Carolina Scripps Howard publication. Her books include
SPIRITUALITY for Mommies, and soon to be released From
Death to Living in the Light, and Spiritual
Intelligence. She has contributed to Chicken Soup for
the Caregivers Soul and she has written the foreword to
Whispers of Inspiration, a collection of both poetry and
prose gathered from voices around the world. Paula is
currently working on Teaching Your Children About
Spirituality. Her sources of inspiration are her
daughter and granddaughter.

"Dear Kate, Waiting in the Other Room is the
most inspiring & uplifting read I have embraced
in a while! I absolutely love it & thank you for
your love!!!! Thank you for your gifts to
humanity... Thank you for the gentle reminders
of & from our loved ones passed... it is so
comforting & re-assuring for the soul - to not
only be reminded but to know & be assured that
no matter what one may endure - they are always
with us... that we are never, never unaided...
It is just beautiful Kate!!! Absolutely
~ April Colón-Pagán, Heart-SoulSolutions.com

“All of us are
curious about our spirituality, especially in
the loss o f a loved one. We can accept they are
in a better place, but …..the “separation” is
the hard part. We need all the help and comfort
we can get to heal. Kate Speakes-Large can help
and enlighten you with these difficult passages
in our lives. Whether you believe or not, we are
not alone. Spirit, however you call yours, is
there and “Waiting in the Other Room.” I thrive
on the messages and words she puts out there to
help us know, ‘There is a bigger picture’.”
~ Mary Reilly California

"Kate’s wisdom and special gifts of insight into
the human heart and soul have once again shone
through in this book. She has given us a glimpse
of what has made her strong and has invited us
all to share part of her. Grief is a very
difficult path to walk on ones own. With Kate,
Big Jim and our Angelic Entourage's help this
path will be made much smoother, our steps
illuminated and we will have the wonderful
knowledge that out loved ones truly are 'just
waiting in the other room.' This is a book to be
read over and over again. Each time I read it I
always seem to find just the right words I
needed to hear at that moment in my life whether
it be from Kate or Big Jim (Thanks Big Jim).
Thank you, Kate, for allowing me to be part of
this very special book."
~ Janet Coyle Australia

"Kate shares her experiences of her journey with
loved ones and angels from across the veil. In a
gentle, and ever loving way Kate offers insight
and confirmation that our spirit indeed lives on
after death and those we have known and loved
are still very close to us only in another
dimension. When we lose a loved one there may be
unanswered questions we would have liked to have
had addressed to the deceased either before or
after their passing. "Waiting in the Other Room"
provides the guidance to make the connection
with our loved ones on the other side, helping
the reader bring closure to any unfinished
business. Once the bond of communication is
established we can continue to build a
relationship even though our loved ones are not
physically present. This is just as true for a
relationship with our angels, the bridge between
us and God."
~ Martha Zetter California

“At some point in our lives we all experience a
fear of death. We ask the question, what really
happens to us when we die? Do we go to heaven?
To hell? Do we remain buried or roam in unrest
for eternity? Within these pages Kate and her
father, Big Jim, show us through continued
experiences that the human spirit lives after
death of the body, because love never dies. The
message within is of hope fulfilled and loved
ones reunited after the last breath is spent. I
highly recommend reading this gift of love to
aid in dissipating fear of death and to open the
door to continued communication with loved ones
who are deceased.”
~ Trudy Griswold, Angelspeake.com
 "This is a beautifully
written book that caused me to laugh, cry and be reminded
once again that death is just an open door into a profoundly
loving new adventure. This poignant story tells of the
after-death communication between a father and daughter, and
invites the reader to come along and be delighted, touched
and comforted through sharing in their journey. Both Kate
and Big Jim write with the utmost sincerity and lots of
humor, and their experiences will definitely give you pause
for reflection. allow this wonderful book to help you
discover the serenity in knowing that your loved ones are,
indeed, just waiting happily in the other room. A book to be
treasured and read regularly! Thank you, Kate!"
~ Kim Loftis, FromTheAngelsWithLove.com

"Kate is my mom and as such we don't always see eye to
eye. I believe in what she does, partly because her work
is dedicated to helping others, but also because her
"job" makes her happy and not many people can say that
these days. When mom told me she was writing a book with
my deceased grandpa I thought it was great, she was
going to be an author. But when they finished the book
it sat on my shelf for weeks. While cleaning my room I
picked up the book and decided it was time to sit down
and read what mom and grandpa had to say. As I read the
book I was blown away - I discovered validation! After
my grandpa (Big Jim) passed away I felt this amazing
connection with him that I never felt when he was in
physical form because he lived in another state. I never
understood how I could feel this kind of connection with
someone I really didn't even know when they were living.
I had been asking myself where this feeling was coming
from since 2005. Reading Waiting in the Other Room
answered the questions I had been asking myself for four
years. My connection with Big Jim was a gift that I
could not receive while he was living. He is now the one
whispering in my ear when I ask for advice or need help.
He finally has the chance to be my grandpa! Even
though my mom had been telling me... reading Waiting
in the Other Room truly gave me the comfort of
knowing that I am never alone. Grandpa and my entourage
are always with me... just Waiting in the Other
~ Jessi Large, MiaBellaVitaPhotography.com

"This is a very heart felt
book, very hard to put down. I have friends
waiting in line to read, having a hard time not to share
from the book, do not want to spoil their experience!"
~ Diana F. BC, Canada You may share your thoughts about Waiting in the
Other Room here. |