Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  


Welcome to Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers!

Hi, I'm Kate (Kathryn) Speakes-Large - (Kathy if you're talking to Big Jim).  Thank you for visiting Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers! 

I'm just like you; a spiritual being experiencing a human existence.  As a child I followed physical world teachings and suppressed my angelic connection. As a teen, I quietly questioned the teachings of my family's Southern Baptist religion.  Through a telepathic connection I had with my maternal grandmother, I knew there had to be more - and I've discovered that there is.

For years I struggled, looking for answers.  Then my research led me to books by Doreen Virtue, James Van Praagh, John Edward and Sylvia Browne. I tried very hard to connect with the angelic realm and deceased loved ones through meditation, but I kept falling asleep.  Then I discovered the meditation that "clicked." 

I met my spirit guide, Gabrielle and visited with her as often as I could using meditation.  Then one day as I was beginning to meditate, I saw a man standing on the edge of the meditation meadow.  He wore a long white garment.  Next thing I knew he was beside me.  It was Jesus. 

In the weeks that followed, Jesus was present in all the connections with Gabrielle - and He was always doing the talking while Gabrielle would sit quietly.  He became the leader of my angelic A-Team of light beings.

The angels brought to me Angelspeake, How to Talk With Your Angels by Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold.  Through their words, I learned to communicate using automatic dictation with the angels and deceased loved ones. 

When I shared with a friend that I chat with Jesus, he wanted to know what made me so special?  The answer is I'm no more special than anyone else.  Each one of you - each and every one of you reading this has the ability to "chat" with Jesus, your angels, your guides and your teachers of the angelic realm as well as deceased loved ones.  The question is, do you want to?

It takes patience to quiet ourselves and just breathe and trust, but you can do it. 

Stepping into Spiritual Work
I created the Soul Kisses website in 2000 - while I was working in the corporate world. Then in 2002 I left my mainstream dream job and began a Virtual Assistance business in my home, which quickly turned to a web design business: Web Designs by Kate

For years I juggled my spiritual work with the web design work.  I liked working with people long distance from the safety of my office behind my desk because I have Parry Romberg Syndrome and speaking in public is not the easiest thing in the world for me.

Sylvia Browne says in her audio tape (I'm dating myself) "Angels and Spirit Guides," that we "check all the boxes" while we are on the Other Side where it's safe - we're incredibly brave.  She explains that in our final decision to come here to the earthly plain, we choose "challenges" in order to accomplish the growth goals we set for ourselves.  In essence, we "check all the boxes."  

A very dear friend of mine, Terry Bureau, once wrote in an email, something like this... "The Lord must have really taken a likin' to me, because He gave me so many opportunities (through challenges) for personal growth." 

At all costs, maintain your sense of humor...

Terry and I checked the box, Parry Romberg's Syndrome [Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy]. You've probably never heard of it - most doctors haven't.  In it's most basic form, "PRS" wastes away the fatty tissue in the body permanently, leaving the skin stretched over what is left of the skeleton (bone loss can also be a factor).  

If we could target areas where we want to loose fatty tissue, this might not be such a bad thing, but when it's in the face, it can be devastating, for the society we live in revolves around physical beauty. 

Living with PRS was difficult until I realized that "I checked the box for PRS." I chose to experience this and I must have had a good reason, because I wouldn't have chosen it otherwise. Realizing I chose to experience this facial challenge changed everything. You may learn more about Parry Romberg Syndrome at The Romberg's Connection.   

I share this with you to help you release whatever judgments you are putting on yourself that stand between you and what you dream of doing with your life.  The good, what we judge as the bad and the ugly are part of our world of duality judgment. Whatever box you checked before incarnating this lifetime that makes you feel uncomfortable, you checked it for a reason.  Don't let it stand between you and fulfilling your dreams. We are in this lifetime together and if I can do it - you can do it!

Your Spiritual Journey
The Soul Kisses website is designed to support you on your spiritual journey - remember the journey is the mission!  Know that each and every day is a learning/remembering excursion for our spiritual selves.  It is up to us as to whether we allow ourselves to live in the moment and experience it or simply float along... 

Currently the Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers community reside in over 80 countries throughout Mother Earth.  I hope that you, too, will join us!

Again, thank you for visiting the Soul Kisses website - be sure to sign up to get your Free Essential Mastery Tools.  I invite you to come back often to read new articles, register for classes, see new "angel pictures" and perhaps experience something that jump starts you on your spiritual journey. 

I ask that you not take the word of others, including mine, for anything.  Please remember to look within and discern your truth.  If you find comfort here, please share Soul Kisses with your friends and loved ones.

May you be profoundly blessed in this moment and in every moment after...

In love and light,

Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers Mission Statement

The mission of Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers is to touch the lives of the Soul Kiss Community in a gentle, loving, miraculous way and to provide love and support tools to make the journey of living in a human body on Mother Earth easier.

After my dad, Big Jim, died, the site evolved and grew to include comfort for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.  Our sympathies and prayers are with you and your family, including the one who has transitioned.  If you are feeling your deceased loved one near and wish to understand their communication, you may download the Sacred Space ~ Build It and They will Come guided journey meditation as my gift here.

We also provide support tools to those whose loved ones are experiencing Alzheimer's and Dementia.  You may access them here.  I used this method of communication to visit with my grandfather on behalf of my grandmother to ask him questions that he was unable to answer with his human voice.  This brought her great comfort.  You may have this as my gift as well.

Soul Kisses






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Aurora, Co  80046
Web Designs By Kate

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