Soul Kisses Spiritual Whispers - Spiritual Mastery with Kate Large  



Magic Moments with Majyk - He's back!

Majik Payden has returned in a new puppy body.

Presenting Majyk AngelFeather
My angel baby from another mother.

The day Majik Payden's sweet spirit completed his journey and left his physical body, (December 8, 2015) I asked him if he would come back to me and he said "Yes!"

The question was, "when?"

My grief was so overwhelming - so personal - so debilitating that the "when" eluded me, even though I knew he was trying to tell me.  So I went to my dear friend across the pond, Rachel Keene, hoping Majik would speak through her - and he did.  Majik's sweet energy told her 13 weeks after he passed.  That date fell on March 8, 2016.

Of course, then the VERY Human question was, "HOW?"

Spirit doesn't usually spell out details and this time was no exception.  The breeder Majik Payden originally came from is no longer breeding poodles.  Freddy felt a pull to check rescues.  I knew that no matter where he came from we wouldn't 'miss' him.  The information Rachel was given was this:  "His new puppy body would need a new home because he couldn't stay where he was - no abuse and not really a rescue - he would just need a new home."


So we prepared for his arrival.  I ordered a new Majyk name tag, bowls, toys (like he needed more toys...), a training clicker, new puppy harness to match his leash, puppy teething chews, and Freddy and I began talking about puppy proofing the house.

Then the week of March 8 arrived and I was working long hours on videos and materials for the next LIVE version of The GAME of LIFE Mastery Program and still crying every day... grieving the physical loss of Majik. 

This time was an almost indescribable place to be - grieving my sweet little Majik, yet excited that he was coming back to me in a new puppy body - plus working to fulfill my deadlines for the program.  The question, "how was I going to present a LIVE program and take care of a new puppy?" was beginning to seriously weigh on me.

When I talked with Rachel she pointed out to me that even though I love presenting the GAME of LIFE Mastery Program and holding that loving space of expansion for others, my human-ness was feeling stressed... and my stress was going to block Majyk's arrival.  My heart told me I needed to take care of me, Freddy and our new Majyk first.  Then when the new Majyk was settled in, my work would balance with family and supporting others.  Then I'd be able to present the all-new LIVE program.  With this clarity I decided to postpone the mastery program and a HUGE weight lifted off me and I actually felt "happy" through the grief.  Whew - Progress!

Immediately rainbows began to appear throughout my house.

A direct sign that the new Majyk would be joining us soon!

I searched through Colorado rescues online and filled out an application - oh my... was it thorough.  If we adopted from a rescue we'd need references and a home visit.  One lady from a rescue told me I wouldn't find a poodle puppy unless I went to a breeder.  What she didn't know is that God was on the case!

On March 11, I looked through Craigslist and found an ad that was posted the day before, on March 10:

"Male and Female poodle puppy needs forever home."  Contact Jenny.  No picture.

OMG!  I felt my heart jump.  This could be my guy!

I contacted Jenny and discovered the little girl was being picked up and the boy was promised.  He would be picked up the next day, Saturday.

I told Jenny our story - about how little Majik Payden had passed, but he promised he would come back and I thought her boy may be our guy, gave her the website address to read about him and us - plus offered references.  Then I told her I didn't think the lady would show up. 

And she didn't.

On Saturday afternoon when Freddy and I rang the doorbell at the puppy's residence, a young lady came out and handed me the puppy.  Freddy thought he'd be black.  I didn't know what color he would be, but I wasn't expecting white/cream fur and green eyes.


It was a beautiful day so we sat in the yard and "met" this tiny, fluffy puppy.  Freddy's a big guy...  massive, to a little puppy, but he went right over to him and crawled into his lap, then up to his face and gave him a kiss as if to say, "what took you so long, I've been waiting for you!"

When I held him, he immediately began to try to floss his teeth with my hair.  Majik Payden did that when he was a baby!  My eyes weren't sure - but my heart knew.  I could feel Majik's sweet energy.

We met little Majyk's mom and dad and they were perfectly ok with us taking their baby.

When I asked Jenny's sister, owner of Majyk's mom, when he was born any uncertainty disappeared with her answer:  December 28, 2015 - my dear Grandma Laura's birthday!

THIS is our guy!  Majik's sweet spirit returned to me in Majyk's new puppy body.

On the way home we stopped to get a drink.  When Freddy went inside to get it, Majyk sat back and looked me in the eye.  I said, out loud...  "White?  Really?" 

As clear as could be, I heard...  "Angel feathers, Mom...  I have angel feathers..."

Of course!  I kept saying he was my Angel Baby...  Now he's the color of angel feathers... 

When I shared the new blond Majyk with Rachel, she pointed out to me, Majik Yin (black hair, brown eyes) and Majyk Yang ( blond hair, green eyes) - an indivisible whole and they are.

We've named the new puppy Majyk to honor of his return, spelled differently to recognize his new individuality, yet the same - an indivisible whole.

He is mostly "cuteness overload" displaying a "knowing of his past" yet being a new individual.  There are significant similarities, yet fun differences.

Franktown Animal Clinic

Two weeks before he arrived I made an appointment for new Majyk on Friday, March 18 at the Franktown Animal Clinic for a puppy check up - when there was no sign of him in sight.  Fortunately, Miss Eileen understands us and happily made the appointment, even though I wasn't sure what breed he would be or when we would find each other.

We brought Majyk home on March 12, so I scheduled an earlier appointment on Wednesday, March 16.  Everyone at the vet's office was so excited to meet him!  And he received an excellent bill of health!

New Groomer

We're grooming closer to home at the Very Important Pet Salon.  Kobe knows just how to make our guy look awesome!


After chatting with Denise of Samantha's Katz -n- Dogz, Majyk is on a raw and kibble diet - raw for breakfast, lunch and dinner, kibble to graze on between meals.  Plus a splash of goat's milk.  He loves it!


My Protector Guide, Chief Running Bear, helped with Majyk's middle name.  He's always been my angel baby, so when Chief Running Bear called him AngelFeather, it was perfect:  Majyk AngelFeather!


I've been posting pictures and videos of Majyk to my private Facebook page.  I'll be adding them here and to the Spiritual Guidance by Kate Facebook as time allows. 

Thank you for being a part of our family and supporting us through this transition to new life and continued love.

If your fur baby is sick or perhaps has gone home to the Rainbow Bridge, it's ok to ask them to come back to you in a new body.  They may not say yes, but they just might.  If they say yes, KNOW that they will find their way to you.  The angels will guide you and your fur baby till they're in your arms again - just like they did with me and Maj.

All the love of my heart,


Majyk's full story - click here.


Recommendations for you and your Fur Baby:

~ Fresh Patch puppy potty grass
~ Kakato Polyester Pet Chest Backpack
~ Whole-Pet Healing by Dr. Dennis W. Thomas

Animal Communicator (internet):  Val Heart

Groomer in Aurora, CO:  VIP Pet Salon and Spa

Majyk's food comes from:  Samantha's Katz n Dogz

Holistic Vet in Franktown, CO:  Franktown Animal Clinic, Dr. Swieckowski

Toys and Supplies (internet):  Dog Supplies

Healing Modalities:  Reiki and The Journey Method by Brandon Bays



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