You've come to the right place
to get the
AND.... Loving Support
you need to overcome worry and fear to
create the miraculous life that is your birthright
and BE Happy!
Have you had it up to
your eyeballs with being stuck, feeling trapped and
Have you tried to
improve your life, set your intentions, taken action
steps, worked with the Law of Attraction the best
you know how, and STILL your life feels like chaos?
Implodes without
Sucks the energy
right out of you?
And certainly has not
improved - or if it has, its only been for
milliseconds before you're back in a pit of despair
struggling to crawl back out?
I've been there.
Working so hard to make life better, when all of a
sudden the heavens open up and what feels like a massive amount of
poop gets dumped in the middle of everything!
And I'm left standing
there bewildered and dazed... wondering... What - the - heck
- just - happened?
After years of trial
and error (don't you just hate that? Just get
it right for goodness sake!), I figured out what I
was doing to recreate over and over again the mess I
already had and I learned what to do to redirect and
mold my
creation energy into prosperity, joy and happiness!
You'll find all the
tools I've used here on the Soul Kisses website.
Some of the tools are free while some have a
monetary energy exchange.
But if you're looking
for more...
If you're looking for
a LIVE community to support you, guide you and
provide every tool you could ever need to improve
and live the life you truly deserve, you'll want to take a look at the all
extraordinary Manifesting
with Florence Support Community!
But before
you do that... there was a time when I didn't choose
something better because if I didn't choose, then I
wouldn't be disappointed when what I wanted didn't
work out.
A time when
I felt like I didn't fit in with the people in my
environment - especially my family. As a young
child I was convinced I was adopted because there
was no way these people could be my family!
Later I
learned all those emotions I kept pushing down, deep
into my subconscious, so I didn't have to deal with
the pain of them had names. They were:
* not good enough
* unworthy
* not lovable
* and the
emotional energy that shadowed everything was: I didn't feel like I deserved to be
Then I learned these feelings are an
illusion of fear. Now I know and I want you to know
too, that no matter what you have or have not
done in your life, you - YOU - deserve to be happy!
AND Good-Enough to live a life of prosperity, joy
and happiness!
One of The Best parts
of my life is being a part of your world -- sharing
tools and supporting you to take your power back and
create the life that's yours by Divine Right.
--- the life that your heart longs for ---
---the life that IS Joy, Love, Prosperity and Blissful
Happiness - the life that's YOURS!
Then when something
awful dumps itself on your life - and it will because in this physical world of duality, you live
in a human body and human bodies experience
adversity - you'll know exactly what to do to
manage it, move through it and create something
Don't know who
Florence is?
You. Are. In. For. A. Treat!
This loving support community
I'm hosting is based on the magnificent teachings
of Florence Scovel Shinn, author of The Game of
Life and How to Play It.
Florence's teachings
saved me when I was drowning in fear, yet never
physically dying. Her spiritual energy supported me to take my
power back and change my life from one where I was:
the "Queen of Recreating
and Unhappiness over and over"
===> to miraculously
creating joy, happiness and prosperity - more than I could have ever
dreamed of.
Would you
join me in this safe place where you'll discover an
abundance of tools to address and manage the human
problems that creep onto your plate and stare you in
the face?
Would you
join me in this loving community where we all "fit
in" and a human hand is available to support you to
leave your out of control life behind and take
control of your energy and perfect manifesting what
you really want to experience as your day to day
Click here to learn more about the remarkable
Manifesting with Florence Support Community.
I'm excited to
welcome you to the family!
In love and light,

PS Don't let another day go by
without taking a HUGE action step forward to improve
your life by learning more about this loving support
Did I mention that ALL the support tools on the Soul
Kisses website are included in this loving support
community? --- oh... and so much more!